Each cleanup action is one huge step towards clean planet

We are not fooling ourselves – some more big steps need to be made to get us there.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Solar Cars Will One Day Be Solar Brokered

Greetings everyone from SunSource Solar Brokers.. It's been a grand seven years that we've been in the energy consulting business for solar brokering to our buyers in the San Francisco Bay Area region. Happy anniversary! It's the future of solar cars. If there's no such thing as a free lunch, how about a free ride? Think of how wondnoterful it would be if your car could continue running without you spending a dime on fuel. If you drove a solar-powered...

Sunday, February 8, 2015

What You Have To Understand About Roof Attached Solar Energy Panels

Anytime the sun is out, your own home's roof is subjected to power from the sun. Why don't you harness that energy, decrease your electricity bill as well as decrease the amount of carbon dioxide you add to the ecosystem day after day? Depending on were you reside, your roof top's direction, plus the load your home's roof will be able to bear, installing photovoltaic cells (PVs) on the roof might be a valuable investment in boosting your home's energy...

Monday, February 2, 2015

Uk Solar Industry Predicts 1Gw Of Installations In The Next Year

We're going to see a lot more of these in the UK.The UK solar industry now sees a bright future for itself following last Friday's decision by the Supreme Court to refuse the Government permission to appeal on the ruling that solar PV installations registered after December 12 last year and before March 3 this year could qualify for the 43.3p kWh subsidy rather than the 21p rate the Government tried to enforce.Many companies have plans for large-scale...

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Denmarks Solar Cell Production Can Now Be Followed Live Online

" Solar installed on an eco house in Denmark.By Anders Lorenzen"In the last few years, solar PV in Denmark has accelerated due to subsidy schemes making homeowners invest in the technology. While around 500 megawatts that have so far been installed is still far from reaching the capacity of wind power which Denmark are far more known for, the trend of homeowners to instal solar is set to continue.The Danish grid Energinet minute for minute live...

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Nabcep Certification How To Get It What Its Worth

This is a presentation I gave this week in Cleveland at the ElectroExpo. The audience was pretty small, just fifteen folks attended, so it turned into an intimate conversation rather than a formal presentation. An honest discussion about business, renewable energy, and education is right up my alley, and I walked away with some really valuable insights about the benefits and challenges people face when they get into solar and think about NABCEP...

How To Make Solar Panels For Home Build Solar Panels At Home

HOW TO MAKE SOLAR PANELS FOR HOME How would you like to reduce your electric bill? How would you like to have no electric bill at all? Then let me introduce you to renewable energy. One of the most reliable sources of renewable energy is solar power. Unfortunately, to have a solar power system installed professionally is way too expensive for most people, even those who are truly environmentally conscious. In addition, it could take a decade or...

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Tourist Rich Small Island With Big Energy Strategy

COUNTRY FEATURE: ARUBA See interview with Prime Minister Mike Eman Aruba is a small Caribbean island of just 193 sq. km located 30 km north of Venezuela. A former Dutch colony, in January 1986 Aruba gained status aparte, removing itself from the Federation of the Netherlands Antilles. It gained autonomy over its internal affairs, but remained part of the Kingdom of Netherlands. Commercial and economic matters are handled by the national government,...