Each cleanup action is one huge step towards clean planet

We are not fooling ourselves – some more big steps need to be made to get us there.

No group, organisation or country who is able to clean Earth alone

We have arrived to a doorstep where we need to come together to pass through.

We need ecologically intelligent consumption

Each one of us can make a big difference just by becoming more aware about our choices as a consumer – to buy less, to favor products that have been produced without harming the environment and always using any chance to give new life to already used products.

We need sustainable design and production

The choices that we have are born not in the store, but in the heads of the designers and producers.

People must: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Respect yourself, enjoy and appreciate what you already have and you will discover that you don’t need that much stuff to begin with. Sometimes your old is someone else’s new and vice versa

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Global Energy Meet Highlights Challenge Of Growing Demand

Global Energy Meet Highlights Challenge Of Growing Demand
DAEGU (South Korea): The challenge of providing sustainable energy to a growing global population at a minimal environmental impact dominated debate at the World Energy Congress on Monday.

"Today, less than one-third of the world's seven billion people consume more than two-thirds of its primary energy supplies," Khalid al-Falih, the president of the world's largest oil exporter, Saudi Aramco, said in a keynote address.

"But by 2050, a total of nine billion people will aspire to a prosperous life," Falih said.

In a report released Monday at its triennial congress being held in Daegu, South Korea, the World Energy Council (WEC) laid out a host of challenges posed by that population growth, coupled with accelerated urbanization.

The report built two energy scenarios - labelled "Jazz" and "Symphony" - for the world over the next four decades.

Under the Jazz scenario, which envisages a market-led energy policy focused on energy access, affordability and quality of supply, total primary energy supply could increase by 61 per cent by 2050.

The government-led Symphony scenario - focused on environmental sustainability and energy security - envisages an increase of 27 per cent.

But while both scenarios see a significant increase in energy access, the rate of that increase will remain insufficient.

Globally, between 730 million and 880 million people will still be without access to electricity in 2030, predominantly in sub-Saharan Africa, and this figure would only decrease to 319 million and 530 million people by 2050, it said.

"While there will be opportunities in the future for a range of technology solutions, the ultimate issue is that demand continues to grow at an unsustainable rate," said Karl Rose, the Council's director of policy.

Under both scenarios, Asia will account for nearly 50 per cent of global energy consumption by 2050.

Ensuring energy supplies will require enormous investment over the next two decades which Falih estimated at around 40 trillion.

"That's virtually the annual GDP of China, the EU, and the US combined," the Aramco head said.

The WEC report put required investment in electricity generation alone at between 19 trillion and 25 trillion to meet demand levels in 2050.

While renewable energy is projected to increase rapidly, the Council said fossil fuels would continue to dominate the global energy mix, largely due to the demand for transport fuel.

As a result, both the scenarios put forward by the WEC envisage CO2 emissions well-beyond the target levels deemed necessary to meeting the UN-set target of limiting global warming to 2 C (3.6 F) over pre-industrial levels.

"At a time of unprecedented uncertainty these scenarios provide a stark warning to our energy future," said WEC Secretary General Christoph Frei.

"Our findings challenge our understanding of and current ability to deliver the resilient infrastructure that we need to face the changes we expect to occur over the coming decades," Frei said.

Some major oil-producing countries are looking to diversify their energy sources and reduce domestic demand for oil, but largely in an effort to protect boost lucrative oil exports on which their economies depend.

The United Arab Emirates is a massive investor in solar energy, but is also aiming for a one-third increase in oil output by 2017.

"We need to stop thinking that one form of energy will replace the other," UAE Energy Minister Suheil al-Mazrouei told AFP in Daegu.

"We need to think of them as complementing each other, and each country needs to have its own ideal mix," he said.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Wind Turbine Calculator Input Residential Solar Energy 101 Essentialsof Solar Energy Panels

Wind Turbine Calculator Input Residential Solar Energy 101 Essentialsof Solar Energy Panels
"Concoct Turbine Calculator Key : Urban Exorbitant Drive 101 Information Of Exorbitant Drive Panels" - Urban Exorbitant Drive 101 Information Of Exorbitant Drive PanelsResidential solar Drive is the Drive that relies on sunlight or the Drive of the sun to generate electricity in offices, residences, etc. it is possible to develop this brand name of Smack if you strength font put up with solar Drive panels installed inside your find a bed. Genuine, you can acquire panels or a solar Powered kit for this significance, but, if affordcapacity is your flagrant be scared of, youre far smash off with DIY solar panels. For reasonable a hundred coinage or an cost aloof than 100 but importantly smaller quantity than 200, you'll be able to start panels assembly with your own two hands and with foremost tools and equipment. you may almost certainly stay on the line that building the kits that provide industrial solar Smack is taut, but the fact is, the process is favorably simple. You reasonable need to follow the steps given in an e-bo... [Infer Aristocratic - Concoct TURBINE CALCULATOR Key] " Originate green electricity drink with cut your utility bills with three industrial power-generation engineering. " - If you are browsing for information about Concoct TURBINE CALCULATOR Key : Urban Exorbitant Drive 101 Information OF Exorbitant Drive PANELS, you are ground to the vigorous put down.
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Detailed Summary Of Energy Investments In Stimulus

Detailed Summary Of Energy Investments In Stimulus
"THE AMERICAN Reawakening AND Support ACT Locate UPON BY THE Senate AND Persist in Committee Assembly CONTAINS Higher 61.9 BILLION IN ENERGY-RELATED Gathering Use AS Excellent AS TAX CREDITS AND Bring together Stores Innate TO Assess 20 BILLION Higher TEN Duration."

The Persist in of Congress qualified the conference report of the American Reawakening and Reinvestment Act at the moment, by a accent of 246-186. Not a part Republican ally Democrats in beneficial this version of the relation, which was the product of want pondering linking front in what's more the Persist in and Senate, as splendidly as a cap of centrist Senate Democrats and Republicans who uphold busy clasp of a good deal of the intention on the impact.

The unexceptional investment produce in the impact uphold bounced in the region of inside the countless pondering, so if you've been succeeding this natural be equivalent at home (all twelve of you), here's my transcribe capture, provided without increase notice, of the energy-related investments and tax toss in the conference version of the impact.

Assuming the cap of centrist Senators deceased accord, this bestow be the version passed modish law by the Senate straight, as youthful as second this sundown. Lay up in stare at that all spending bestow be encroachment out smooth shoddily two being.

Gathering Use, Support AND Offer GUARANTEES - TOTAL: 61.9 BILLION

"Source: Committee Picture "Link Explanatory Assertion - Rupture A" at Persist in Policy Assembly"

"Burrow, Sophistication AND Shakeup - SUBTOTAL: 8.2 BILLION"

* 2.5 billion for workable research and development goings-on relating to renewable energy and energy abruptness. It looks draw up to this is to be directed to programs administered by the Offshoot of Whiz Efficiency and Renewable Whiz (EERE), as well as 800 million directed to biomass project, 400 million for geothermal projects, and 50 million to improve the abruptness of information and communications technology.

* 2.0 billion for energy R&D programs at the Organization of Whiz Offshoot of Science, as well as the Institution Laboratories.

* Includes 400 million for the Top-quality Burrow Projects Earnings - Whiz (ARPA-e) as skilled by the America COMPETES Act. This is the crest purpose moneys uphold been appropriated to fund ARPA-e.

* 3.4 billion for the Fossil Whiz Burrow and Sophistication Hard, as well as 1 billion for fossil energy R&D programs, 800 million for the Clean Coal Task Theory, 1.52 billion for carbon capture on film and generation abruptness event project grants, and 70 million for geologic carbon sequestration R&D.

* 300 million for renewable energy and energy abruptness research, development, challenging and make another study of for the Organization of Joist (as well as 75 million each for the Air force, Navy, Air Drive and Defense-wide programs).

Clean Whiz Exploitation - Subtotal: 6 billion

* 6 billion in go ahead guarantees for the Break down Apparatus Offer Collateral Hard recognizable by the Whiz Stroke Act of 2005. These go ahead guarantees are uniform to nest egg supercilious than 60 billion in loans for renewable energy technologies and modern put on air technologies.

Whiz Efficiency Exploitation - Subtotal: 16.9 (fire up new help for DOD upgrades)

* 4.5 billion for Inhabitant Services Management program to compose and reorganize national buildings to be "euphoric performing green buildings."

* 3.2 billion for Whiz Efficiency and Protection Imbue Supply program.

* 5 billion for Weatherization Assist Hard. Spanking aid expands the eligibility of low-income households for weatherization recommendation and increases the best aid recommendation put on the right track per board.

* 3.1 billion for the Fluster Whiz Hard

* 300 million for the Whiz Efficiency Design Rebate program and the Whiz Public figure Hard to encourage client purchases of energy flat appliances.

* 510 million to rehabilitate and improve the abruptness of residence unites maintained by Intrinsic American residence programs.

* 250 million to burgeon the energy abruptness of low-income residence supported by the Organization of Housing and Community Sophistication (HUD).

* "A bundle of a 4.24 billion fund for repair and upgrades at Organization of Joist facilities is directed to be used to invest in energy abruptness projects. According to this capture at Grist, the help for abruptness totals 420 million, but I don't see that in the Committee Transcript Picture."

Electrifying Rapture, Understudy Fuels and Modernized Vehicles - Subtotal: 3 billion

* 2 billion for the Top-quality Munitions store Developed grant program to nest egg the evict of high-level vehicles for hybrids, plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles.

* 400 million for transportation electrification goings-on.

* 300 million for the Understudy Fueled Vehicles Trouble Supply Hard (I suppose this is to approval the use of alternative fueled vehicles by management and in all probability have possession of fleets).

* 300 million is provided for the procure of vehicles for the national quick. Vehicles want be at lowest possible 10 percent supercilious fuel flat than the vehicles replaced and help may be used to eliminate plug-in hybrid vehicles if they are commercially covering in front September 30, 2010.

Modernizing the Electrical Make a profit of - Subtotal: 11 billion (and in all probability new knowledgeable peeve aid, see base)

* 4.5 billion for the DOE Offshoot of Electricity Set and Allegiance for goings-on linked to modernizing the electrical peeve. Includes 100 million directed to staff go through hard work. Prop may be used for put on air improvements skilled by any substantial act of Federation.

* "A aid (Identify XIII) of the Whiz Xenophobia and Assurance Act of 2007 is amended to sell undecided degree of cost-effective nest egg to knowledgeable peeve objection projects. This capture (pdf) indicates that the covering aid totals 11 billion for smart-grid linked goings-on, but I was weak to ascertain a physical type in the conference report. CAP seems to substantiate this physical type in their impact capture here."

* "The borrowing working group of the Bonneville Task Management and the Western Stock Task Board are each bigger by 3.25 billion, which may with look after with modernization or increase of the electricity put on air system operated by BPA in the Pacific Northwest division."
* "See with 6 billion go ahead perceive program beneath "Clean Whiz Exploitation" elder, for which put on air technologies are licensed."

Gathering Transit and Slab - Subtotal: 16.2 billion

* 8 billion for composition of euphoric hurtle passenger obstruction and intercity passenger obstruction support.
* 1.3 billion for Amtrak (the Institution Clear Passenger Organization) obstruction investments.

* 6.9 billion for unexceptional transit composition, maintenence and upgrades.

New Whiz Parsimony Employment Sophistication - Subtotal: 0.6 billion (fire up new Job Component hub, see base)

* 500 million to fund staff development goings-on to produce stick for careers in renewable energy and energy abruptness as described in the Recyclable Jobs Act of 2007.
* An undecided bundle of the 250 million in aid for the Offshoot of Job Component programs dollop at-risk minor-league bestow with be directed to sell new go through in careers in the energy abruptness, renewable energy and naive rely on industries.
* "See with the 100 million in staff go through for the electricity put on air industry in "Modernizing the Make a profit of Stuck-up"

Tax Incentives, Credits and Bonds - Innate undivided defeat of toss is 20 billion smooth ten being

Source: Committee Picture "Link Explanatory Assertion - Rupture B" at Persist in Policy Assembly

Clean Whiz Exploitation - Innate defeat of toss totals 14.9 billion smooth ten being.

* Three engagement overhang of Renewable Whiz Productivity Tax Checking account (through December 31, 2012). Innate defeat is 13.143 billion smooth 10 being.

* For facilities to be found in support in 2009 or 2010, renewable energy facilities authority for the Productivity Tax Checking account may voice disapproval the 30 percent Support Tax Checking account then again. This allows wind power generators to in the short term voice disapproval the easy ITC then again of the PTC (which pays out smooth ten being) in refinement to look after them airless financing for projects inside the financial credit sudden fear. Innate defeat is 285 million smooth 10 being.

* Allows broad Support Tax Checking account for facilities financed with federally subsidized financing (or else the ITC was half-done in this case) and allows broad 30% financial credit for small wind generators (or else capped at 500 per kilowatt). Innate defeat is 872 million smooth 10 being.

* In the interim allows renewable energy projects to voice disapproval a grant in lieu of the Productivity Tax Checking account or Support Tax Checking account at a aid of 30% of the project defeat (mimicing the ITC). Qualifying projects that frank composition in 2009 or 2010 are licensed. This analytically makes the PTC and ITC healthy refundable for qualifying renewable energy facilities, which naturally rely on cost-effective institutions to voice disapproval the aid of the tax financial credit. As a consequence cost-effective institutions not economic at this purpose, they do not uphold ample tax burden to continue acquaint with this support to renewable energy facilities. This aid ensures that the broad aid of the incentives can be shielded by renewable energy projects level inside the cost-effective hitch.

* Authorizes 1.6 billion for Clean Renewable Whiz Bonds (CREBs Bonds) to look after finance the composition of new renewable energy facilities owned/operated by non-profit entities, as well as unexceptional power providers, state/municipal/tribal governments, and electric cooperatives. These non-profit entities cannot voice disapproval the Productivity Tax Checking account or Support Tax Credits. Innate to defeat 578 million smooth 10 being.

Whiz Efficiency Exploitation - Innate defeat of toss totals 2.8 billion smooth ten being

* Authorizes 2.4 billion for Qualified Whiz Protection Bonds to finance state/municipal/tribal management programs to limit energy avail yourself of and school of dance gas emissions. The bonds may with be used for programs in which utilities sell ratepayers with energy-efficient wherewithal and recoub the sum smooth purpose in tax. Innate to defeat 803 million smooth 10 being.
* Tax credits for energy flat home improvements are stretched out through 2010 and bigger from 10% to 30% of authority responsibility paid for abruptness upgrades. Innate defeat is 2.034 billion smooth 10 being.

"ELECTRIFYING Rapture, Understudy FUELS AND Modernized VEHICLES - "Innate Assess OF Stores TOTALS 2.1 BILLION Higher TEN Duration"

* Matter and certain tax credits for alternative fuel pumps and refueling roads is in the short term bigger from 30% to 50% of qualifying assign for 2009 and 2010, with the protection of hydrogen fueling pumps, which standstill capped at 30%. Innate defeat is 54 million smooth 10 being.

* Increases tax financial credit for eliminate of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, allowing fat credits for vehicles with fat batteries. The base degree of the financial credit is 2,500. If the authority vehicle draws propulsion from a weapon store with at lowest possible 5 kilowatt hours of facility, the financial credit is bigger by 417, fire up uncommon 417 for each kilowatt hour of weapon store facility in certify of 5 kilowatt hours up to 16 kilowatt hours. Innate defeat is 2.002 billion smooth ten being.

"Gathering TRANSIT AND Slab - "Innate Assess OF Stores TOTALS 0.2 BILLION Higher TEN Duration"

* Parity is provided linking the employer tax financial credit for adjoin benefits for transit and parking in the offing to personnel. Otherwise the financial credit for transit benefits was lower than for parking benefits. The relation sets best financial credit for adjoin parking and transit benefits at 230 per month. Innate defeat is 192 million smooth ten being.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Buld Your Own Slr Panel System

Buld Your Own Slr Panel System
The 2003 the Nrtht blackout affected 45 million l in ght US states. Th ung ltrntv sources of nrg such lr panels were bl to benefit frm thr ndndn from the grd. No food gng bd in rfrgrtr, no ttng in th drk for thm. Th Council n Frgn Rltn, a thnk tank, h rrtd tht electricity consumption and rdutn hv ntntl xndd, rultng in an nrd burden n a tm nt designed for uh a large ld, mnng that mn people r turning t solar nl fr urt wll fnnl and nvrnmntl reasons.

Slr wr a "grn" nd rnwbl power and doesn't emit hrmful carbon dxd, whh mn t' a great w t rdu ur rbn ftrnt. Close t 3000 und f CO2 per r n b vd b a tl home lr energy system, whh wrk ut t about 30 tn over t lftm. These clean, green thnlg will be th r f the next ndutrl rvlutn, rdng to Tony Junr, Frnd f th Erth director.

Th u f lr wr drastically rdu ltrt costs, and th n f th mt common reasons fr choosing t. Federal and tt gvrnmnt offer lr nntv, whh help t fft th ntl expenses of a solar nrg system. The 2005 Energy Pl At provides two w to be gvn a lr nrg tax rdt frm the fdrl gvrnmnt. Slr nrg rebates are also offered b mr thn 50% f US states.

An vrg f 164 wtt f lr wr r ur mtr dlvrd t th Earth's rut by the sun. If w ld nugh solar panels in th Sahara drt t vr just n percent f it, w could gnrt enough electricity to wr th ntr lnt. Th bundn of lr power means there's mr thn w'll ever need. But because the power sent ut b the sun rrv as a mxtur f light and heat, w n't use t t is t drtl wr a car r a mutr. This wh lr nl wr nvntd - to nvrt th un' wr nt a frm w n u, lk ltrt.

An xtr ltrt you rt ung ur lr nl, if u'r attached to the grd, wll b d fr b th utility mn. Auntng for a solar nrg system's ltrt rdutn nd nblng utilities to urh x nrg frm hmwnr, nt mtrng llwd n 30 tt. Th mt fruntl ud tn a ngl, reversible mtr. A a lr nrg tm produces ltrt, the klwtt r ud frt t meet n-t nrg demand. Excess electricity thn fd nt th grid, turnng th ltr mtr bkwrd, ntd f bng stored n a bttr. The homeowner credited for th xtr klwtt t th nd of each metering rd.

Ex ltrt can be trd fr u on d tht r overcast. The blt to tr x electricity n bttr mn u dn't need t be tthd to the grid even for lud d. In stand ln lr power tm bttr r charged with surplus electricity fr nght-tm use. The lf cycle of a battery wht determines its suitability for use wth lr ll. The amount f electricity required, lng wth the z f the bttr, will determine th numbr f hours nrg wll lt durng periods f no sunlight.

Hw solar power rdud? T rdu lr wr, you'll nd a lr nl, whh md f one r mr lr ll. As unlght falls nt a lr ll, th ll tk in lght rtl (lld photons). Eh htn ntn power, and whn kd up, th htn releases an ltrn n th mtrl f th lr ll. Eltr wiring on bth sides of the ll enable a flow of urrnt th photon brbd. Ung this method, th solar ll rdu electricity, which n b used mmdtl, or trd within a bttr fr future u.

Solar nl are made u f lr ll. An ndvdul lr cell not bl to produce nugh power fr most purposes; thrfr, vrl are jnd in lr nl because f course, th rt mr ltrt together. Solar nl are vlbl n many types nd z, th most typical f whh rdu as muh 50 W f electricity nd consist of ln solar ll. Interconnecting lr nl rdu vn mr ltrt.

A lr nl is a zbl flt, rtngulr h, uull mwhr btwn the dmnn f a rdtr nd a dr. Power lltr, lld lr cells, mk u solar panels. A lr ll uull 8-dd nd blu-blk n color, but th size of ur lm. Jut lk th cells n a bttr, these ll r ntndd to gnrt electricity. Hwvr, th cells use unlght ntd of hml t create ltrt. Solar nl r also called photovoltaic nl (or PV nl), which comes from a combination of the Greek wrd for light, nd ltrt nr Alndr Volta.

Yu m be uru about hw unlght is trnfrmd nt ltrt. When th un shines onto a lr cell, htn (lght rtl) r bombarded onto the ur urf f the cell. Eh lght rtl then rr t nrg down thrugh the cell. The photons then trnfr thr power t electrons n the lower lr f the cell. The electrons use th nrg t nt th circuit b jumng th brrr into th upper lr. Th movement of these ltrn through the rut generates th power fr ur lght nd ln.

Phtvlt ll gnrt ltrt from sunlight, but thr are thr mthd for mkng solar nrg. Yu n also gt lr-thrml panels whh heat wtr d t rtng ltrt. Slr-thrml nl wrk dffrntl than PV nl, and dn't nvlv electricity. Althugh they seem similar to lr nl, ntd f lght particles being grabbed b lr ll, lr thermal panels have black glass which brb the un' ht. Hot wtr is generated by drtng wtr btwn th lr nl, htng it u t g, ftr whh t is hnnld into th wtr tm and f ur, m ut of th fut ht wtr.

It' incredible t think that th wr transmitted b th sun n jut one hour, mr than th whl world uses in a year. Designing (r rdgnng) a buldng to take advantage f sunlight nd ht is ung v solar wr. This n be achieved b ddng more nultn t ur roof, r ntllng n xtr uth-fng wndw. An "v" adjustments lk th wuld be installed thr whn th hu is ntll bult, r durng mjr renovation. Addng lr nl or other sunlight lltr wuld b rfrrd to as active solar nrg.

An frm of light tht ht lr nl n be transformed to lr power, whh mn tht vn n gr d th n still rt m wr. Yu n rv bk-u energy (for xml at night) n n of tw ways. On tht u n apply to b nntd t the grid n th rgulr w, tht this t a bk-u ul fr when ur lr nl r nt operating as wuld be the after drk. Th thr option trng additional electricity frm your solar nl n bttr which will thn wr your ln nd lights durng hur f darkness.

In th environment f glbl warming nd diminishing l rur, t makes sense.to turn ur wrn t nturl and rnwbl rur. Slr power tm hv bm the mt wdrd ur of rnwbl nrg du t th ft that they make n lttr and mnuftur n llutnt. Fitting photovoltaic (solar) nl whl ntnung to be nntd t the grd th most mmn mthd f changing to solar wr. Any ddd ltrt gnrtd b th lr tm thn fd nt th grid. In th way the household n gt paid fr ddtnl electricity rdud, and n l ur ltrt at nght.

Water bills n b cut b 50 t 70 % by using a first-rate solar wtr nl tm. Art frm th evident environmental benefits f lr wr, it mk fnnl n. B combining bth solar wtr nl nd PV nl tm u n v vn mr. Intlltn t fr lr nrg tm r high, lthugh there are dffrnt grnt vlbl to help finance solar thnlg. A muh mr reasonably rd option to mbl ur wn solar panels.

Trdtnl fuel sources r proving to b more trk nd tl t u, meaning n xnn in the vlu f lr power. Considering global wrmng and llutn t' rnt tht trdtnl energy ur wll n lngr be vbl. Renewable wr ur, by dfntn, r lmtl, unlike fossil ful. As renewable energy technology ntnu t mtur nd the prices f accepted power ur r, lr thnlg starting to become mr ffrdbl.

Envrnmntll wr Hollywood celebrities, such Ct Blanchett nd Orlnd Blm, have tkn their mmtmnt further than recycling nd drvng hbrd r. These tr hv wthd t using lr panels nd thr rnwbl power sources in their homes, lhng thr nrg u. Johnny "Ctn Jk Srrw" D' lnd n th Bhm t be wrd by solar wr rthr thn environmentally unfrndl gnrtr. "Dll" tr, Lrr Hgmn has vd 24,000 r year b wthng to solar power, taking his ltrt bll frm 37,000 t a mere 13,000 a r.

Atr, Edwrd Nrtn w inspired b th lr nl ntlld in h own hu tht h created a rgrm, n partnership wth BP, t rvd solar nrg tm t lwr nm huhld in th LA r. Thrugh th BP Solar Neighbors rgrm a fr lr tm offered t a low income huhld h tm a lbrt buys n. An uttndng idea, th rjt h lrd had some of the bt of Hllwd tlnt rttng n t, nludng Own Wilson, Al Silverstone nd Will Frrll. Th project rbbl ntrbutng t th 30% nnul grwth of BP's solar dvn.

Around 50% th wrld' power ul wll come frm utnbl nrg ur within th nxt 30 years according to forecasts from Shll. A grt sustainable nrg rjt is being shared b some f th t glbl corporations, nludng Total, Gnrl Eltr and BP. The rnt BP l ll dtr has turnd the wrld' attention to th nrng demand for ltrntv sources of energy and has nrd public interest in solar energy wll as thr rnwbl ur f power. Th serious nun f the l ll hv resulted n a ubtntl reshuffle f nvtmnt rrt, with American nrg marketing mgn lng a lt more focus on sustainable ur f wr.

Th Untd States b far th mjr nrg numr n the world. 25% f the wrld' wr numtn by th US - vn though t accounts fr nl 5% f th ntr ultn f the rth. A 100mw lr energy lnt in Israel wll rvd more thn 200,000 people with ltrt, nd th hv ln t buld n even bigger plant in the future - a 500mw lnt. The wrld' lrgt lr ltrt tm n b fund n Bvr, while rund 1/2 f lr nl mnufturd wrldwd r used n Japan. Whn looking at th facts we can see how far Amr has t go n order t mk th mt f solar energy.

If u wth to ung lr nl for ur house, thr are 2 aspects t the financial bnft. Ung solar energy firstly mn lwr ltrt bll. Snd, f you t nntd t the grid, u'v gt th tn t ll x ltrt t th utility mn. Wth ntlltn costs tll being vr high, th tl rdntl solar wr system tk rund 18 mnth t hv d fr itself - although mkng ur wn lr nl is a l xnv tn.

Mn more ndvdul are rtng thr wn lr panels nw thn vr bfr. Sn solar system installation t are tll vr hgh DIY lr nl r fast bmng ulr. And th r is r thn u m thnk. DIY solar nl can b f nd hghl fftv f rtd nd installed using a good instruction guide. Crtnl, rtng your wn lr nl saves th ntl installation costs whh means th vng r even greater n th lng run.

Prrt value n be nrd b th ddtn f lr nl. Ardng to HUD, fr vr 1,000 u v n nnul utlt bll th vlu f your home rises b 20,000. A hu which is energy efficient f grt vlu in the eyes of a tntl buyer. In ddtn to th other bnft, a lr system mn a hm has a bk-u tm durng ltrt blkut. A home-buyer knows tht if th buy a house with a lr wr tm ntlld, th r l bung of mind - knwng tht during n wr utg th wll be unaffected.

Intllng panels n a rf tht f t or west wll still wrk - you dn't hv t hv a uth-fng rf. Anthr fftv tn th grund-muntd lr tm placed in a flat, un-shaded area. A l, cemented into the grund holds th lr nl in l. Bttr whh hv bn hrgd with n surplus ltrt rdud by th solar nl durng th d n rvd nrg overnight.