Sunday, November 16, 2008

European Commission Funds Global Project To Produce Ethanol Biodiesel And Bioproducts From Algae

European Commission Funds Global Project To Produce Ethanol Biodiesel And Bioproducts From Algae


BRUSSELS, May 24, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Nine partners from seven countries uphold joined in an extra project to demonstrate that ethanol, biodiesel and bioproducts can be twisted from algae on a large scale. The BIOfuel From Algae Technologies (BIOFAT) project, on the whole funded by the European Commission's Seventh Lattice Decide, aims to certify that biofuels made from microalgae can offering energy alacrity, financial viability and untrained sustainability.

Algae's look good for provision high-energy-yield products beside low music school gas emissions has been aspiration unspoken, but the look good downside from such opening out is less sure. BIOFAT seeks to maximize the benefits from algae when minimizing untrained impacts. Swallow the way, the project will open the world to the algorefinery, a facility that can glimmer high-value co-products in increase to biofuels.

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