To help understand what each state is doing the "American Council For An Energy Efficient Economy" (ACEEE) released their annual State Energy Efficiency Scorecard last fall. This scorecard ranks the best and worst states for energy efficiency based on a 50-point scale. These scores rated government initiatives on 31 different metrics related to seven different policy divisions, including utilities, government-led initiatives, and efficiency building codes.
Here are the 10 best and 10 worst states for clean energy based on the ACEEE scorecard and presented in the Huffington Post with the assistance of NRG Energy:
Massachusetts offers free home energy assessments to residents Financing and tax incentive programs are available for both utility companies and residents looking to make energy efficient changes Weatherization programs are available for low income households The state delivers a significantly higher percentage of non-hydro renewables, hydro-renewables, and nuclear power compared to the national averages. They also have reduced rates of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon emissions compared to national averages.
ACEEE Points: 42
California's energy mix delivers an extremely high level of renewable energy to consumers; on average, 22.7% of on-grid energy is renewable The state is also known as one of the world's central locations for renewable energy research Not to mention, offers a rigorous home energy rating system An energy choice program called Community Choice Aggregation is offered for some areas through PGborder:0"/> Subscribe in a reader