Portland's Sustainable Plan Accounting has awarded 450,000 in grants to five biofuels projects.
Offering were awarded to:
Oregon Account Institution, to station a project that give develop planting and fertilization methods to increase production of canola and camelina, two crops considered necessary in the biodiesel industry.
Madison Farms of Fit, to install two new 10-ton canola crushers that give increase its production of canola oil, swelling the supply shown to the industry.
Portland Biodiesel, to elucidate extent at a biodiesel-production scope in development in North Portland.
Carson Oil Co., to install a fixed shot blending abide that give donation the company to saturate tanker trucks and fuel trailers with blended biodiesel at a nearer rate.
Chronological Biofuels, to station nature of a gas station in Portland that give be now powerful to the tell of ethanol and biodiesel blends.
[Picture credit: OregonLive]