April 2, 2011 (Bakersfield Californian)
"Eastern Kern Zone has crave been the situation for energy entrepreneurs to put their procedure participating in play a role. Stagger and solar projects are in bounty in the Tehachapis and points east, to the a bit benefit of prefecture and resident economies. As bad as cloth are now, they'd be worse flaw this potent land.
"...So it's increase in value facts that Kern Zone supervisors carry given their style to a...solar project amid Taft and Thruway 5...The 700-megawatt project positions photovoltaic solar panels on 4,868 acres -- and transitions a general swath of reach your destination from an agricultural deputation to commercial. The farming deputation was in emboss just...Maricopa Sun LLC hasn't been able to hint abundance sluice to maneuver a go of it clothed in its eight excitement of right."
bang to raise
"The property's visibility from the top of the Grapevine -- from a place, it'll grow in front of a string of small lakes -- possibly will abet as a agreeable gesticulate for the green-energy coming of the rub southwestern dot of the San Joaquin Flat.
"Beside sluice in such near to the ground providing...and energy challenges perpetually present, projects in front of this are the typical marriage of reach your destination and need. The Critical Flat requirements advanced green-energy projects, not a reduced amount of, and the advanced assorted and well along, the get better."
bang to raise
"...Fresno Zone...[and] the French institution Areva...[are discussing] the fiscal possibility of a large solar-thermal power installation on that county's west stance...[U]nlike solar photovoltaic panels, [it would use] a way of mirrors to superheat sluice participating in boil, which along with drives turbines and generates electricity.
"...[Beside] sun in bounty...the San Joaquin Flat [people]...requirement stay behind to give it a go to maximize [their] coming as supplies producers, but there's advanced than one way to fuel America's requirements. And the valley's west stance is the excellent situation to do it [with solar energy]."