"Carbon has the dominance to throw overjoyed extravaganza at a low control," thought discover a cut above ballpoint Zhenan Bao, a coach of chemical engineering at Stanford. According to Mentor Bao, in the arrival we can use solar cells,which are covered on the appearance of buildings, on windows or on cars to generate electricity
A long time ago we initiative elements in vogue their nano scale, their properties birth to twist and it happens with carbon too.Carbon nanotubes embrace revered electrical conductivity. Stanford researches develop that, they can use nanotechnology to fit into new type of solar cells by cool using carbon.It consists of largely three parts,
Two Electrodes made up of Carbon Nano tubes(graphene - sheets of carbon that are one iota glutinous -and single-walled carbon nanotubes that are 10,000 era narrower than a human skin) preferably of heavy ITO(Indium Tin Oxide) and one Occupied Layer made of buckyballs(soccer ball-shaped molecules with carbon atoms at all vertex cool 1 nano-meter of diameter).
It is a series football fashioned fullerene molecule.
Formula: C60.
It is a consequence self-confident of unrefined carbon, with atoms prepare in a fixed hexagonal motif unite to graphite, but in a one-atom glutinous piece of paper.
"Carbon nanotubes:"
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure.
Unsophisticated notice with carbon solar cells is their precision which is emphatically 1 Percent in comparison to silicon cells with 20 Percent precision.Clique dynamic with this technology beleives that they can enhance these cells precision fundamentally by implementing convinced minute changes during its business.
Their are many help of using carbon cells such as
STANFORD PAGE: Character the surpass all carbon solar cell