Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Kb Foundation Renewable Energy Education Session

The Kb Foundation Renewable Energy Education Session
The Kimroy Bailey Foundation hosted its first Renewable Energy Education session on the grounds of the 100% Renewable Community Center in Litchfield, Trelawny. In keeping with the Foundation's vision of making renewable energy accessible to youths in the developing areas of the Jamaica and the Caribbean the session was designed for teens and young adults interested in understanding the principle and operation of solar and wind energy.

A comprehensive demonstration unit was set up and an engaging presentation done by volunteers with the Kimroy Bailey Foundation. The enthused students had the first hand opportunity to see a solar panel, charge controller, battery, inverter and the other components utilized to generate and store renewable energy come to live to power a lamp.

Shanice Clarke connecting two 6V batteries in series for our solar panel

The presentation took nothing for granted and covered topics a basic as connecting two batteries in series. In the photo above Shanice Clarke took a shot at connecting the batteries after watching carefully while the volunteers demonstrated. Young ladies played an integral part of our project and our team has been keen to ensure that females indulge in our demonstration, they were equally eager to volunteer during the presentation and ensure that they fully understood the materials presented.

After she made the connection other students volunteered to do the adequate tests to ensure that the two 6V batteries produced 12 volts from the series connection. Other components of the demonstration included a 12volt solar panel, a zantrex C6O series charge controller and a 2000W Samplex inverter.

Shelly-Ann Crawford excited to connect the lighting unit to our inverter

After over an hour of presenting, trying and assembling, it was finally time to test the unit to see if all the components operated to achieve the core goal of powering a light bulb. The demonstration was indoor hence not much access to solar energy so our team took the unit outdoor to charge the batteries prior to doing the presentation, Shelly-Ann Crawford was excited to do the task of plugging in the bedside light unit as can be seen by her expression above.

"TADA!" The system producing electricity to power our bedside lamp

And after all it was finally that moment when the system comes alive and everyone smiled in awe. So complex, yet so simple. Another milestone achieved for the Kimroy Bailey Foundation. The demo was done in the Litchfield Baptist Church because the 100% Renewble Community Center is still under construction. The day was truly productive, the Kimroy Bailey Foundation is extending the invitation to corporate entities interested in partnering with us to furnish the 100% Renewable Community Center and to transform the lives of young Jamaicans with renewable energy.

"100% Renewable" - KB Foundation - Renewable Is Reliable

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