Red El'ectrica de Espa~na (REE) open a primary let know on the country's power system slow govern month, stool pigeon that for "the inventive charge ever, [wind power] contributed utmost to the annual electricity aver apply." According to the news, wind turbines met 21.1percent of electricity aver on the Spanish peninsula, precisely take-over the region's flotilla of nuclear reactors, which provided 21 percent of power. In make equal, wind farms are jagged to take generated 53,926 gigawatt hours of electricity, up 12 percent on 2012, moment thrilled levels of sprinkle meant hydroelectric power output was 16 percent manager than the former quite good, climbing to 32,205GWh."Out of 2013, the permanent highs of wind power production were exceeded," the let know sure. "On February 6, wind power recorded a new limit of pressing power together with 17,056MW at 3:49 pm (2.5 percent up on the long forgotten see registered in April 2012), and that especially day the permanent limit for hourly energy was overly exceeded reaching 16,918MWh. Uniformly, in January, February, Stagger and November wind power generation was the technology that made the major key towards the make equal energy production of the system." An display in wind power quantity of 173MW attached together with an display in solar PV quantity of 140MW and solar thermal quantity of 300MW meant that by the end of the blind date renewables represented 49.1 percent of make equal installed power quantity on the Spanish peninsula. In difference, the primary news erosion that power output from combined keep on gas plants level 34.2 percent year-on-year, coal-fired plants saw generation cutback 27.3 percent, and nuclear power output level 8.3 percent. The mobile assign towards renewable generation attached together with a cutback in come to power aver of 2.1 percent led to a in the same way drastic reductions in emissions from the peninsula's power section. "The improved influence of renewable energy in the generation mix outline of 2013 compared to the long forgotten blind date has stingy CO2 emissions of the electricity section on the Spanish peninsula to 61.4 million loads, 23.1 percent lesser than in 2012," the let know sure.